As a manufacturing company and an environmental company, we provide products and solutions that consider the global environment.

We are surrounded by pure water, green trees, and rich land. We now live in an era where we need to seriously consider living together with nature on a global scale. The protection of the global environment is required worldwide, and how to promote the 3Rs (reuse, reduce, recycle) will become an essential issue for corporate activities in the future.
Sanyu Kyoritsu Industry has been aiming at the realization of a recycling-oriented society through the development and manufacture of environmental equipment with the motto of manufacturing that is trusted by customers. With this pride, we are constantly improving our technology, accumulating achievements and know-how, and hope to be of service to our customers as a total environmental manufacturer capable of proposing and providing total solutions from equipment to systems.
We will help our customers with their environmental activities by effectively using waste as a resource, which used to be simply thrown away, and by reducing treatment costs. In addition, we will pursue new business models that turn waste into resources and products, and work to develop systems that are ahead of the times.
We will continue to do what we can and what we should do as a total environmental manufacturer considering the global environment for the new era. Sanyu Kyoritsu Industry will continue to make continuous efforts to become a company that satisfies our customers and provides them with satisfaction.
Akira Kawauchi, CEO